Buckskins & Black Powder
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Testing the New Goex Powder

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Testing the New Goex Powder Empty Testing the New Goex Powder

Post by FrontierGander 6/7/2024, 5:09 pm

Prepping for the first test with the new Goex black powder!

The first test I'll mainly focus on learning about the new powder. How it flows from my powder pod, how well it measures out consistently, powder granulation consistency,  fouling in the bore, and of course, accuracy.

Once I find a nice shooting load with 2fg and 3fg, I'll move to the chronograph and we'll take a look at the power and consistency of the new goex.

Taking notice,  both cans of powder were in perfect shape. NO clumping or sticking, powder looks great. It looks consistent but the only real way to check, is to screen it.

When I get to the chronograph stage, I'll compare it to the original Hodgdon Powder Goex VS the New Estes made Goex.

The hard part?

Deciding what gun do I'll use for the test 😆
Testing the New Goex Powder 20240717
Testing the New Goex Powder 20240716
Testing the New Goex Powder 20240718
Testing the New Goex Powder 20240720
Testing the New Goex Powder 20240722
Testing the New Goex Powder 20240721

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Testing the New Goex Powder Empty Re: Testing the New Goex Powder

Post by FrontierGander 19/7/2024, 7:49 pm

As I thought!

The new Goex is lighter than the Hodgdon Powder Goex.

The can from 1996 Goex 2fg weighed in at 59.2 grains. Measure set at 60 grains and my best accuracy measure.

NEW Goex maker, 51gr. 

I have another can that's brand new from I believe 2002 if I remember the stamp correctly , that I'll measure and weigh for another comparison. 

1996 Goex 70gr 2fg - 66gr cut - 71gr tapped to settle granules. 

Did not write down the info for the new goex at 70gr, but that's ok, I confirmed what I found. The NEW brand of goex, does in fact, throw a LIGHTER charge.

Would roughly 3.5 to 4 grains make a difference on the range? Heck no! But I will check this out hopefully tomorrow if I am feeling better.

I'll be taking out my freshly restored CVA Hawken .50cal.

I'll be shooting 60 and 70gr 2fg charges of both, New and Old Goex for accuracy comparison. A fouled shot or 2 will be taken, and I'll be using a water/oil mix patch lube so no swabbing will be necessary.

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Testing the New Goex Powder Empty Re: Testing the New Goex Powder

Post by FrontierGander 22/7/2024, 5:32 pm

First shot with the NEW Goex! 

I have a lot of problems I need to sort out! I have very little experience with this rifle. #1 mistake.  Not sure what nipple I have in this, I'm thinking it's a Spitfire, but will double check while cleaning.

Once the barrel warms, she's hitting low left, then moving toward the center. Craziest thing I've experienced with an open sight rifle! 

Once I get it apart I'll check the tang screw for tightness,  then go from there.

The New Goex is super clean burning,  very little smoke! Out in the day light, there does not seem to be much graphite,  if any, in the powder.

All recovered patches were in excellent condition. 

Dirty patch is after I lightly swabbed the bore after the 11th shot. I took a total of 12 today.

A lot to learn, especially with this new to me,rifle.

UPDATE: Found the tang screw was loose! I'll keep an eye in that. If it happens within a few shots, it will need to be bedded in epoxy.
Testing the New Goex Powder 20240725
Testing the New Goex Powder 20240724
Testing the New Goex Powder 20240726
Testing the New Goex Powder 20240727
Testing the New Goex Powder 20240729

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Testing the New Goex Powder Empty Re: Testing the New Goex Powder

Post by uffda 25/7/2024, 8:39 am

Interesting findings. Differences of weight/volume comparisons over the Chronograph would really tell the difference. Velocity, mean,and especially the standard deviation. Be Interesting to see which puts the best group on the target and Chronograph data of each target. Good work Johnathan.

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Join date : 2021-07-15

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