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Polishing your lock

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Polishing your lock Empty Polishing your lock

Post by FrontierGander 10/12/2021, 3:29 pm

150-180-220-320 and so on, helps put a very nice polish onto your steel. I've gone as far as 800 grit on my lock and parts.
Polishing your lock Img-8310
Polishing your lock Img-1810
Polishing your lock Img-1811
Polishing your lock Img-1812
Polishing your lock Img-1813
Polishing your lock Img-1814
Polishing your lock Img-8312
Polishing your lock Img-8313
Polishing your lock Img-8311

Posts : 538
Join date : 2021-05-25
Age : 40
Location : Colorado


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