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Post by FrontierGander 30/12/2021, 2:22 pm

Last edited by FrontierGander on 22/8/2024, 2:59 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Post by OldMtnMan 30/12/2021, 2:58 pm

No Facebook but I watched some of your videos. I see you removed that link?

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Post by FrontierGander 30/12/2021, 3:16 pm


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Post by Buck Conner 6/1/2022, 11:24 am

Looks fine to me kid ...

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Post by Winter Hawk 11/1/2022, 7:40 am

Don't do Facebook or any of that social media. This site (and others) is a close as I get....


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Post by Buck Conner 11/1/2022, 4:00 pm

It has slowed up at the Collectors Association shop, we are usually a few gun behind. With -19- and Biden playing around folks are holding tight. We see this in the muzzle loading building arena of this sport at this time. Was pretty quite then several videos that Jonathan did on my GRRW Collectors Association NW Trade Gun got some attention.  Thank You for that kid.

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Post by Buck Conner 24/1/2023, 3:41 pm

Buck Conner wrote:It has slowed up at the Collectors Association shop.

The first of January 2023 GRRW.CA has closed its doors for the last time. Doc White passed on Aug. 22, 2022, and the custom gunsmiths decided to hang it up after over 65 years of building custom muzzleloaders.

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Buck Conner

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Post by Mustang65 24/1/2023, 5:43 pm

Buck Conner wrote:
Buck Conner wrote:It has slowed up at the Collectors Association shop.

The first of January 2023 GRRW.CA has closed its doors for the last time. Doc White passed on Aug. 22, 2022, and the custom gunsmiths decided to hang it up after over 65 years of building custom muzzleloaders.

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Really sad and sorry to hear that Buck. Take care friend.

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Post by Winter Hawk 28/1/2023, 1:13 pm

What Mustang65 said.


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Post by Buck Conner 11/11/2023, 8:53 am

Thank you guys ,,,   Such is life, nothing is forever with this business (guns of any kind).

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Post by Winter Hawk 17/11/2023, 5:36 pm

You got that right! I'm getting rid of a bunch of stuff 'cause I don't see any of the boys wanting it after I'm gone. If they have any sense they'll come and divy up what they want and then get an auctioneer in to peddle the rest. Then give what is left to Goodwill or some such organization.

Winter Hawk

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Post by Hanshi 18/11/2023, 12:20 pm

Both my squeeze and I have long live genes in our families.  I pray I go first because I'm in no shape to do all I would need to do if left alone.  I do have a few firearms, modern and BP, that I've found were incredible invesments and judicious selling of these items would give her quite a wad of $$.  On the other hand with no family, close friends up here to help I'd be in pieces and unable to function.  Can't drive or do much physical stuff not to mention all the paperwork, insurance, etc.  I'd want to sell the house and return to Georgia where I DO have many friends and a few relatives.  Neither of our boys - 50 and 47 yoa are boys! - would care much about the stuff I have so would not receive anything "hunting or shooting" related.  Our Facebook groups 1f60e

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Post by Buck Conner 18/11/2023, 12:35 pm


We hear you, daughter is a piece of work and her kids are afraid to make contact with us because of their mother's temper. I'm like you with piles of family information and items dating back to the early 1600's (guess in time I'll donate what we can)???

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Post by Mustang65 18/11/2023, 5:18 pm

I feel bad about your children and their attitudes. I have 3 boys and 1 girl and I feel very fortunate to say I'm so proud of each of them, and the love this family shares. You 2 deserve the best!

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Post by Hanshi 19/11/2023, 11:44 am

They say that an apple doesn't fall far from the tree; but sometimes it has a worm.   Our Facebook groups 1f602

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Post by Buck Conner 14/12/2023, 12:06 pm

Hanshi wrote:They say that an apple doesn't fall far from the tree; but sometimes it has a worm.   Our Facebook groups 1f602

Stan can tell you all about this ...

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