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Bluing or Browning help

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Bluing or Browning help Empty Bluing or Browning help

Post by lonewolf172 10/12/2021, 7:10 am

I just ordered a Traditions Kentucky rifle kit, 33.5" barrel. Which is the best and easiest solutions to use? Birchwood Casey Perma blue paste or liquid kit or Laurel Mountain Forge solutions? I have checked my electric oven and if I take out the racks there seems to be enough room to put the barrel in it if I angle it. IF I go with that what temperature should I set the oven at and how long would I leave the barrel in the oven?


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Bluing or Browning help Empty Re: Bluing or Browning help

Post by Buck Conner 10/12/2021, 9:05 am

Have never tried the oven idea, always used a "browning box" with heat from a string of Christmas tree lights (box lined with tin foil and a small glass container of water).  That's was enough heat and moisture to make the solution work fine.

Buck Conner
Buck Conner

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Bluing or Browning help Empty Re: Bluing or Browning help

Post by Winter Hawk 11/12/2021, 8:38 pm

I just put mine in the laundry room overnight, that is moist enough with LMF browning solution.


Winter Hawk

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