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What's your favorite inline?

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What's your favorite inline? Empty What's your favorite inline?

Post by FrontierGander 2/12/2022, 7:42 am

Winchester x-150 is my favorite!

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What's your favorite inline? Empty Gonic 45 cal barrel for Contender

Post by gemihur 14/11/2023, 2:58 pm

Prolly my fastest twist muzzleloader it's got a 1:22" I shoot a 340 gr. cast with 80 gr. 777
Short, light, and fast handling, this little fireplug shoots with authority!
What's your favorite inline? 20-inch-GA-90-in-45-caliber

Last edited by gemihur on 8/12/2023, 11:51 am; edited 1 time in total


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What's your favorite inline? Empty Re: What's your favorite inline?

Post by Buck Conner 28/11/2023, 2:03 pm

Doc White was the first to build and manufacture in-line muzzleloaders with his "White Muzzle Loader Company" brand. While his other firm GRRW were building the traditional muzzleloaders he was busy assembling his "in-line guns".

Other guys jumped on the bandwagon and started building in-lines too, (Knight, Traditions, CVA, TC and so one, but they had to give a kick-back to Doc as he had the patent rights on this concept.

When Doc passed last year his old partner bought the rest of Doc's shop and items to build the "White In-Lines" again, time will tell that story ...

What's your favorite inline? Collec10
Buck Conner
Buck Conner

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What's your favorite inline? Empty The Great White Gunsmith

Post by gemihur 29/11/2023, 10:18 am

Fred Rodney followed much of his designs at Gonic Arms after he left TC.
His model GA-93 is a great rifle.


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What's your favorite inline? Empty Re: What's your favorite inline?

Post by Buck Conner 29/11/2023, 10:40 am


What was interesting, GRRW had a bunch of barrels with a "run-off" at the breech end, now no good (junk). The rest of the barrels were fine and still had the famous "Jug Choking". Doc took those bad barrels to his newly formed "White Muzzle Loader" shop, cut the ends off (bad threads) and built in-line assemblies (no wasted material).

  • The bank had sold several hundred of these bad barrels when GRRW went under at their closing. Now 30 years later Doc is contacted by the son of the gentleman that bought that truck load of barrels wanting to sell them. Doc did an inventory on what was left he told me (same numbers as originally sold by the bank, safe, stored in a heated unit, no rust, perfect). They made a deal, loaded everything up and went to Doc's shop.

    Steve Brown wanted to sell what was left (parts) of the old firm of White Rifles, (Steve is my wife's first cousin). Steve tells me to let a few guys I know to see if there's any interest. Contacted Doc he jumps on the sale and buys back what it left.

Doc and his partner were getting ready to start White Rifle when Doc passed away. Now all that material is hanging in limbo ..

What's your favorite inline? Huntin40
Buck Conner
Buck Conner

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What's your favorite inline? Empty Re: What's your favorite inline?

Post by Mustang65 30/11/2023, 9:10 am

Alex Hamilton, of 10-Ring Precision in San Antonio, Texas, introduced his pull-cock in-line action in 1969.

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What's your favorite inline? Empty Re: What's your favorite inline?

Post by Buck Conner 30/11/2023, 11:44 am

Mustang65 wrote:Alex Hamilton, of 10-Ring Precision in San Antonio, Texas, introduced his pull-cock in-line action in 1969.

White Rifles had an early promo model like Hamilton's in the mid 60's Doc was just a little earlier. There was one hanging in his shop along with the different changes through the years.

What's your favorite inline? Pistol12
Buck Conner
Buck Conner

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What's your favorite inline? Empty Re: What's your favorite inline?

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