Buckskins & Black Powder
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Prepping Winter rendendezvous

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Prepping Winter  rendendezvous Empty Prepping Winter rendendezvous

Post by FrontierGander 5/10/2021, 3:58 pm

Prepping & Cleaning up the winter rendezvous site! Had my segundo out there with me on sunday and we dug out the fire pit and built it up. Next trip, we'll be cutting down some trees and brush that are in the way on the shooting range.
Prepping Winter  rendendezvous 24430810
Prepping Winter  rendendezvous 24403210
Prepping Winter  rendendezvous 24437210
Prepping Winter  rendendezvous 24403211
Prepping Winter  rendendezvous 24437211
Prepping Winter  rendendezvous 24434810
Prepping Winter  rendendezvous 24436310
Prepping Winter  rendendezvous 24426310

Posts : 538
Join date : 2021-05-25
Age : 40
Location : Colorado


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