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2022 Santa Fe Trail Rendezvous

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2022 Santa Fe Trail Rendezvous  Empty 2022 Santa Fe Trail Rendezvous

Post by FrontierGander 22/5/2022, 3:23 pm

A message from the Booshway.

Hello Everyone,

This email contains important information, if I can get everyones help to get this email out to as many people.
I  had a meeting today with the director of the NRAWC, he reassured me  they are there to support us and our event and want to see our event be  successful. With that said there is some stipulations.

In  case some are not aware, we have the largest fire in the United States  just south of us at over 300k acres and not even 50% containment, and  the states largest fire in history. We are in extreme drought. With that  there is the obvious fire restrictions. There is a NO BURN status for  rendezvous. No fires will be permitted.

Propane  grills are permitted SOLELY for cooking. Grills will need to be  elevated and not placed on the ground. Fire rings will not be permitted  for ambience. The director is adamant about this. There is no warning,  no second chances. Anyone caught violating rules will be asked to leave  the rendezvous.
Smoking  will only be permitted in your vehicles. Smoking will not be permitted  anywhere outside or within the camping area of the rendezvous.

They  are placingarge water vessels at various locations for fire fighting.  Water will not be potable, nor for washing, swimming, dishes. They are  asking everyone to bring 2 buckets and a shovel for their respective  camps in event something happens in camp.

NO  CANONS. We are fortunate to get to shoot at all, but the director  specifically brought up canons and asked that people not bring them. As  cool as they are, the only firing will be conducted on the firing line  with fire suppression near by.
If I get any changes Ill get them out to everyone ASAP.
Looking forward to seeing everyone soon and having a great rendezvous!

Thank you
2022 Santa Fe Trail Rendezvous  Fb_img17

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2022 Santa Fe Trail Rendezvous  Empty Re: 2022 Santa Fe Trail Rendezvous

Post by Mustang65 22/5/2022, 6:21 pm


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2022 Santa Fe Trail Rendezvous  Empty Re: 2022 Santa Fe Trail Rendezvous

Post by uffda 30/5/2022, 10:48 am

Happy the events will still be held. Even with precautions. Wish you a great and safe event.

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2022 Santa Fe Trail Rendezvous  Empty Re: 2022 Santa Fe Trail Rendezvous

Post by Mustang65 30/5/2022, 12:37 pm

uffda wrote:Happy the events will still be held. Even with precautions. Wish you a great and safe event.
That's usually a pretty good size rendezvous. Many camps, good food, and lots of goodies to purchase!!! cheers

Posts : 493
Join date : 2021-12-18
Location : Colorado


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