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Post by Buck Conner 31/10/2022, 2:50 pm


Ways You Show Courage.

Here are ten ways you most likely show courage every day:

  • 1. Men dominate the conversation and rarely ask otherr opinions. Sometimes they ask, but then try to talk over you. But you show courage when you volunteer your opinion or when you respond to questions with confidence and demonstrate you’ve done your homework.

    2. Ask for a raise when you feel you have earned it and present documentation of your business results and how you can move the company or department forward to reach their goals. If you don’t get the desired response, ask for input on how to advance and when it might be possible to get the raise or promotion.

    3. It takes courage to step out of your comfort zone and listen to others with an open mind. We often ask for input but then dismiss it because we are so convinced our opinions are right. It takes courage to entertain other ideas and admit you may be wrong.

    4. It’s courageous to offer different ideas to stimulate new thinking with your boss and co-workers. Present your ideas in a positive manner to avoid being labeled a naysayer. When you unlock the current thinking of your team, you emerge as a leader.

    5. When you speak up, you show courage and people will respect you for communicating your feelings.

    6. When you clearly state what is acceptable and what is not, and when you hold people accountable for their actions. You are brave when you honor your own needs, when you own your work and refuse to let your colleagues or boss take credit.

    7. Fear of public speaking is common. You want to be seen as a leader and when you get the opportunity to do a presentation that will give you more visibility and credibility, you offer to do it. You need to prepare and practice and practice so you sound confident and poised. That’s courageous.

    8. You carve out time from your busy schedule for self-care. This may not sound like courage to you but let’s face it, most of us have such a busy schedule that taking care of ourselves is our last priority. It shows courage to say "no;" no to your colleagues and no to your family, and to declare that you need time alone.

    9. You ask permission to work remotely and present a sound business case for doing so. Your company may not offer the option to work virtually, but you find that you get easily distracted working in the office and you know you are much more productive working at home.

    10. Leaving your current company when you realize that your values are no longer aligned and there is no opportunity for advancement. First of all, the recognition that you should move on takes courage. Putting a plan in place to find new opportunities takes courage and determination as well.

Buck Conner
Buck Conner

Posts : 1007
Join date : 2021-07-02
Age : 84
Location : Utah, Colorado, Wyoming


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