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Bought some balls

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Bought some balls Empty Bought some balls

Post by FrontierGander 12/11/2022, 6:22 pm

Bought some hornady .535 round balls to try out before ordering a mold and of course, they are defective! Look that that ring around them! No way in hell you could get any consistent accuracy lol. 

Bought some balls 20221113
Bought some balls 20221114
Bought some balls 20221115

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Bought some balls Empty Re: Bought some balls

Post by Mustang65 13/11/2022, 9:26 am

Looks like they were molded in 2 halves.

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Bought some balls Empty Re: Bought some balls

Post by Buck Conner 25/5/2023, 3:14 pm


Do you have any 1/4" or 3/8" flat steel plate laying around? Make a steel ring about a foot in diameter to lay on the flat plate (should be a 1/16" lower than height of balls, this keeps the ball from getting away). Put the balls in the circle rotate the top plate with the ball sandwiched in between the two plates. May take a half hour of running the balls around. Check the balls, problem cured bud.

Buck Conner
Buck Conner

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Bought some balls Empty Re: Bought some balls

Post by FrontierGander 25/5/2023, 3:27 pm

hornady replaced them. They were error balls that got through. I melted these into my extra lead and recast them as .530

The larger .535 balls shot no better than the 530s! Oh well.

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Bought some balls Empty Re: Bought some balls

Post by uffda 25/5/2023, 4:38 pm

Have in past Hornaday balls were great. Long time ago though. However I used to roll my cast balls between 2 heavy 1/4"steel plates for competition /hunting application. (Rolling your balls do sting a bit! 😂 only 😂 if it's your balls! Not mine,now I'm Crying or Very sad) ouch. Back to the subject, quality control lacks in many areas. Thanks though for pointing this out. By the way, I was wondering about a patch lube idea. Have you tried using chicken skin and fat cooked and rendered? Just wondering? Perhaps a experiment to try?.

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Bought some balls Empty Re: Bought some balls

Post by uffda 25/5/2023, 4:43 pm

By the way you came out good . Hornaday replaced and didn't request return? Good deal for half price lead! Thanks and great on their part. As expected of them. Bravo Hornaday. ☺

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Bought some balls Empty Re: Bought some balls

Post by CVA Fanboy 6/7/2023, 8:50 pm

FrontierGander wrote:hornady replaced them. They were error balls that got through. I melted these into my extra lead and recast them as .530

The larger .535 balls shot no better than the 530s! Oh well.

Eh same here with .490 and .495 accuracy was good, I kind of expected the .495 to be tighter I just keep casting the .495.
CVA Fanboy
CVA Fanboy

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